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HomeCOVID Ride Guidelines


We know that any scenario in which many people gather together poses a risk for COVID-19 transmission. However, we also know that participation in club rides is voluntary and members assume the full and complete risk that is associated with exposure to and infection by COVID-19 during events. 
In order to keep you safe and to keep the rides on the calendars, we will stay in compliance with government orders. You'll find the guidelines for rides below.
Unvaccinated riders must have a nose & mouth face covering (e.g. Surgical mask, respirator, bandana, neck gaiter, all without vents) to be worn at the start of each ride and whenever you are not strenuously exercising (e.g. during rest stops)
Route sheets will not be provided by the ride leader so download the route or print the route sheet, if available, before the ride. 
Do not come on a club ride if you are sick (including cough, sore throat, fever, loss of taste or smell) or have exhibited any such symptoms within the past 2 weeks.  Do not come on a club ride if you have reason to believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, or if you have had a positive COVID-19 test and have not yet been medically cleared.
Write your emergency contact phone number and sign the liability waiver provided by the rider leader and return it. 

All riders must be present at the ride start.  Joining mid-ride is not permitted.  This is to ensure that all riders are properly recorded. 

Unvaccinated riders must maintain at least 6 feet distance from each other at the ride start.  Claim a parking spot for you and your bike and stay in it if you’re not riding.


Unvaccinated riders must maintain a safe distance, of at least 6 ft from each other.  Conditions such as high speed, headwinds, or downhills may necessitate wider distances.  Use good judgment and follow ride leader directives.  Be particularly vigilant at stop signs and traffic lights, where riders tend to bunch up. 


Because drafting and pace lines increase the risk of exposure, unvaccinated riders should maintain at least 6 ft spacing while riding with those not in their household.


Ride in small (<8) groups to allow room for cars to pass.

Don’t bunch up at stop lights or signs


No spitting or blowing noses into the air during rides.  


Follow the directives and signs posted by any business at which you may stop.


If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or have a positive COVID-19 test within 2 weeks after the ride, notify both the ride leader and the Cape Fear Cyclists Board.  If Cape Fear Cyclists is asked by the department of public health for a list of riders participating in any club ride for purposes of COVID-19 exposure tracing, Cape Fear Cyclists will comply with the request.

These guidelines rewritten to be consistent with the CDC guidance and NC Executive Order 215.  It's acknowledged that they function on an honor system, but riders and ride leaders are encouraged to bring ups any observed non-compliance to allow it to be corrected.

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