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Here is a list of recent newsletters from the board:

November 2019

October 2019

August 2019


Here is a list of articles or profiles of our club or members in the news:


A few years ago, Ken Deutsch wrote an article for Cape Fear Living about our club. Here is an excerpt and a link to the FULL ARTICLE:

I moved to Wilmington several years ago and one of the first things I did was search out a local bicycling club. I soon found the Cape Fear Cyclists (CFC) and was riding with the group locally. CFC is the oldest bike club in the area- 37 years old and one of the largest in NC- about 450 members.

CFC offers varying starting locations which introduced me to areas that I never would have found on my own. There are club rides at least four days a week and guests are welcome. Starting locations and routes can be found by looking at the calendar on the club’s website  or on Facebook.

Did you know there are rural areas within a 30 minute drive of downtown? We meet in these areas and go for 30 – 50 mile bike rides past all kinds of farmland. We see vegetables growing, horse farms as well as farmers raising cattle. And wouldn’t you know it, the next day in the supermarket I would see a sign indicating vegetables locally grown just outside of town. Now I know exactly where some of my vegetables come from.

The group looks out for one another and offers a wonderful sense of camaraderie. For anyone new to the area that has bicycling experience there are rides of varying distances. I would suggest starting out with a shorter distance to get comfortable with riding in a group. You can always step it up as you become more familiar with the group and find who you ride well with. There are 20 people on a typical ride. But keep in mind that you are responsible for your own safety.

          RIDE CALENDAR       

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