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                    Cape Fear Cyclists Participation in NC Adopt-a-Highway

The Cape Fear Cyclists club has been caring for a two-mile section of River Road as part of Adopt-A-Highway program since1988 when the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) started the program.   Only two organizations in Southeastern North Carolina have attained this record and only 27 organizations in all of North Carolina have attained the 35-year mark.

Four times each year Club members pick up debris on River Road and place it in orange bags that are then collected by NCDOT.  The number of bags filled varies from clean-up to clean-up, but averages about 20 to 25 bags. If you multiply that average by the number of cleanups in 35 years it adds up to some 3000 bags of trash removed from River Road.

In April 2023 members of Cape Fear Cyclists gathered at River Road Park to celebrate 35 consecutive years of maintaining their segment of River Road. A representative from NCDOT presented the 35-year Stars to Mark Jonnie the Club’s president.  Those stars are now displayed on the Club’s two Adopt-a-Highway signs

35 year star
Adopt Hwy 35 y trophy

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Cape Fear Cyclists received this trophy from NCDOT for their  35 consecutive years of maintaining its 2-mile segment of River Road on Saturday, April 1st.   Cape Fear Cyclists has been caring for a section of River Road as part of NCDOT’s Adopt-A-Highway program since the program began in 1988.  Only 27 of North Carolina more than 4800 Adopt-a -Highway organizations have attained this record.

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