Johnsons Corner – Moore's Creek National Battlefield

Ride Description:
The Johnsons Corner - Moore's Creek National Battlefield ride is a 26 mile ride at a 14 to 18 mph pace (B or C riders) and is a no-drop sweeper supported ride. The rest stop is at Moores Creek National Battlefield, where there'll be food, drink, cannons, and musket fire. This is celebrating the 1776 battle, which was the first significant victory of the Patriots in the Revolutionary War. Enjoy the beautiful countryside and take in some local history and at a comfortable pace and distance.
Ride Instructions & Rules:
- Please sign the new CFC liability waiver when you arrive at the ride.
- If you need a ride map, please print out the ride map and bring it to the ride.
- Please arrive to the ride start location at least 15 minutes prior to the ride start time.
- Please visit and review CFC ride policies.
- If the temperature at start time is below 32 degrees or there is steady rain, the ride will be canceled.
Ride Communications:
- We currently use the SLACK app to provide up-to-the-minute ride changes and weather info. CLICK HERE to get started.
- Monitor the CFC Slack channel “Saturday-am-ride-schedule” before the ride for last minute ride information or cancelation.
Ride Parking:
Parking is available at the store located at Johnson’s corner. Please adhere to parking zones so that trucks are able to access fuel tanks. The following link shows parking locations. Johnson's Corner Parking Map
Ride Pace:
This ride is a no drop ride designed for the casual rider.
Ride Maps:
Ride Maps are now on the Clubs Ride with GPS Page located here:
Ride with GPS Maps
General Information:
First time riders are welcome. If you enjoy the experience, pick up a membership from at your local bike shop or visit for instructions on joining the club. Membership not only supports the club and cycling advocacy, it extends insurance coverage to you on club rides.