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HomeEventsLongleaf Park to Wrightsville Beach*

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Longleaf Park to Wrightsville Beach*

Date and Time

Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM


Long Leaf Park
Long Leaf Park
314 Pine Grove Drive
Wilmington, NC  28409

Event Contact(s)

Richard E Kreitner
9102625507 (c)


Club Ride - All Speeds

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Long Leaf Park to Wrightsville Beach


Ride Description: The ride originates from Long Leaf Park and meanders through local Wilmington neighborhoods on the way to Wrightsville Beach where the ride route can vary but typical includes a trip to both ends of the island.  Depending on the ride leader and ride group preferences, the ride can be extended by adding addition loops to each end of the island or by adding loops around the Wrightsville Beach Loop.  The base route is 31 miles and includes strategic stops that usually include a coffee shop.


Ride Instructions & Rules:

  1. This ride is conducted under the Cape Fear Cyclists COVID ride rules, please review prior to the ride and follow them
  2. Please sign the new CFC liability waiver and bring it to the ride.  
  3. If you need a ride map, please print out the ride map and bring it to the ride.
  4. Please arrive to the ride start location at least 15 minutes prior to the ride start time.
  5. Please visit and review CFC ride policies.
  6. If the forecast includes temperatures below 38 F, wind chill down to 32 F, or rain/wet roads at the start time, the ride will be cancelled.


Ride Communications:

  1. We currently use the SLACK app to provide up-to-the-minute ride changes and weather info. CLICK HERE to get started.
  2. Monitor the CFC Slack channel “Tuesday-am-ride-schedule” before the ride for last minute ride information or cancelation.


Ride Parking:

Parking is available at Long Leaf Park.



Ride Pace:

The ride is suitable for all pace groups.  Typically the group remains together on the journey to Wrightsville Beach and once at Wrightsville Beach, rider groups tend to separate into various paces groups but regroup at various locations including the coffee stop.  Riders typically regroup and remain together on the return trip to Long Leaf Park.


Ride Maps:

  1. Q-Sheet: LongLeaf park-WB
  2. GPX: LongLeaf Park to WB GPX
  3. TCX: LongLeaf Park to WB TCX


General Information:

First time riders are welcome.  If you enjoy the experience, pick up a membership from at your local bike shop or visit for instructions on joining the club.  Membership not only supports the club and cycling advocacy, it extends insurance coverage to you on club rides.




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